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 we celebrate world art day 2020 with an international exhibition of creative painting named ISPIRAZIONE a global exposition de peintures creatives for the creative painters worldwide.

art-effusions global celebrates world art day with an exposition of paintings executed by global painters from different nations .it’s the coterie of renowned 'n' emerging 36 painters from abroad to showcase their creativities on virtual gallerie of art-effusions global. which has transversed a voyage from realistic 'n' figurative to formless 'n' amorphous. irrespective of woman artists, the themes 'n' ideas ranging from anthropological to individualistic from sensual 'n' corporal to abstract. the diversity of this extravagant collection render in the artistic vantage point escalates from themselves or even as the onlooker subverting their personal into societal perspectives. these paintings are nestled between reality and dreams attempting to create a realistic interpretation of the subject matter focuses on revealing the expressive elements of light, texture, and hues. the use of color configurations and the art of transforming curvilinear forms to create varied motifs; an exploration of the unlimited potentiality of chromatic and tonal scales, visual planes to make this exposition meaningful.

world art day is decided in honour of the birthday of versatile genius leonardo da vici. who has been chosen as a symbol of world peace, freedom of expression, tolerance, brotherhood and multiculturalism as well as art's importance to other fields


art curator

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International Artist’s Day on October 25th honors artists and all the contributions they make. The day also celebrates one of the most famous artists, Pablo Picasso. The Spanish artist was born on October 25th, 1881.Artists work hard to create their work. They add beauty to the world around us. Most artists work with many different mediums. Not only that, but the word artist encompasses painters, photographers, sculptors, musicians, dancers, writers, actors, digital artists, and more.

painting therapy

painting therapy for the elderly 'n' differently abled children have been the subject of much interest in recent years. This is because of its apparent effect on the mental well-being of older adults, especially those with dementia. and intellectually different children.      .

painting therapy helps in expressing feelings, it can also help patients to regain their sense of freedom and control. People who cannot express their feelings can use painting therapy to show their emotions without any verbal communication.

it's combined with talk therapy, it can help people deal with strong emotions, increase self-awareness and self-worth and decrease stress and anxiety. painting therapy can involve a variety of creative expression including drawing, painting 'n' coloring...  

what is painting therapy?

The goal of painting therapy is to stimulate the body and mind alike through, as the name implies, artistic methods. It’s commonly used for seniors who have trauma, or illnesses such as Alzheimer’s. The use of art allows for an alternative method of communication for the elderly, especially when verbal speech is limited. Art is a more visual and sensory way for seniors to express themselves, and can help them lower stress, combat depression, feel a higher sense of well-being, and connect with memories they may otherwise have


painting therapy has proven to be a successful form of treatment for special children and kids with other behavioral, emotional or psychological issues. This type of therapy can be considered a psychotherapeutic service. It allows kids to express themselves in non-verbal ways through the use of art tools and supplies. This form of expression can tell a counselor many things. In fact, it provides a way for the child to communicate things they simply cannot say in words.

Children are encouraged to express their feelings through the art that they create in their session. In addition, they have the chance to learn social skills, gain cognitive growth, obtain coping mechanisms through the resolution of frustration and practice sensorimotor skills such as sensory stimulation and hand-eye coordination. In addition, practical skills are learned such as how to find and put away art supplies, ways in which to utilize certain tools and the importance of putting away their supplies and cleaning themselves up.

What are the Benefits of painting Therapy for Seniors and children with special needs?

The previously mentioned study, which took place at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, noted a higher quality of life for seniors participating in art therapy. Some positive effects of art therapy may include:

  • Reducing stress, confusion, and lowering the risk of depression;

  • Coping with traumatic memories through artistic expression;

  • Increasing cognitive function, and triggering previously forgotten memories;

  • A decrease in frailty and an increase in physical ability (creating art helps promote coordination, also decreases pain from diseases such as Arthritis)

  • Promoting a sense of accomplishment for seniors by creating something themselves;

  • Helping a senior learn to effectively use their hands when dealing with pain, through art projects such as knitting, painting, and drawing;

  • Promoting communication: elderly persons who have difficulty expressing themselves through verbal or written language may find art useful for connecting with loved ones, helping to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness;

  • Certain types of art may remind the elderly of their younger years;

  • Restoring many mental and physical functions, while providing a general sense of well-being.

  • Helped reduce pain, decrease symptoms of stress and improve quality of life in adult cancer patients.

  • stimulated mental function in older adults with dementia.

  • Indicated a reduction in depression in Parkinson's patients.

  • studies on art’s effects on the brain are limited. however, researches suggest that artistic engagement may help to ease common behavioral symptoms of dementia like anxiety, agitation and depression. It may also boost mood and self-esteem, and possibly help stimulate memory. by having a beneficial effect on those with Alzheimer’s, caregivers may find relief as well.

  • n.g.jhonszonn


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NOV 25 -International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

the theme of the day is “UNiTE! Activism to End Violence against Women & Girls”

it's celebrated every year on November 25. According to the United Nations, violence against women and girls (VAWG) manifests in several forms. From violence inflicted by an intimate partner to human trafficking and child marriage, there are several forms that cause trauma to women and girls across the world. 

The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women was issued by the UN General Assembly in 1993 and it states that violence against women is "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life. "

Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now!

This year, the theme of the day is 'Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now!' Orange is a colour that represents a brighter future that is free of violence against women and girls. 

The UN states that nearly 1 in 3 women have been abused in their lifetime. According to a UN report, since the pandemic, 2 in 3 women have experienced some form of violence and are more likely to face food insecurity. The UN report, which compiled the data of 13 countries, added, "Only 1 in 10 women said that victims would go to the police for help. "

Some women are more vulnerable than others:

The UN says, "While gender-based violence can happen to anyone, anywhere, some women and girls are particularly vulnerable - for instance, young girls and older women, women who identify as lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex, migrants and refugees, indigenous women and ethnic minorities, or women and girls living with HIV and disabilities, and those living through humanitarian crises. "

Approximately 6,000 girls are subjected to female genital mutilation each day, and 30 percent of girls subjected to its most radical form die from the effects. Four million women are sold each year as slaves. In sub-Saharan Africa, 55 percent of HIV-infected adults are women, and teenage girls are five times more likely to be infected than boys. These numbers, gathered from a variety of sources and published by Global Women, an organization that supports the global ministry of women, are only the tip of an iceberg adrift in developing countries across the world.

The reality is grim. Women around the globe face problems like poverty, lack of education, lack of medical care, female genital mutilation, sex slavery and trafficking, female infanticide, the AIDS crisis, honor killings, dowry killings, a low value in Hindu and fundamental Muslim societies, abuse and displacement in war and, where employment is even available, poor working conditions.

When one is born with a creative gift, that creativity flows into many different areas. For example, Picasso was a painter, sculptor, ceramicist, poet, and playwright.

Art came about long before written works. Since the beginning of time, art has communicated ideas and kept records of important events. Art offers a connection to the past. Artists record our history, indelibly. They also unearth truths. Through their work, they tell stories and pass on traditions. Artists have a unique way of connecting to the people around them. In a world full of bad news, one of their most important roles is to offer messages of hope.

As an outsider, however, Rousseau was less familiar with the rules of the artistic establishment. Although he worked in traditional genres, producing landscapes, portraits, allegories, and exotic scenes, they were transformed in his hands, made odd in ways that provoked both derision and admiration. In contrast to academic artists, Rousseau brought to ambitious painting an openness to the materials of popular culture—illustrated magazines, dime store adventure novels, postcards, and photographs—often integrating their strong graphic quality and dramatic subject matter into his work.


Rousseau was best known for his bold pictures of the jungle, teeming with flora and fauna. Yet this painter of exotic locales never left France, notwithstanding stories to the contrary. His paintings were instead the concoctions of a city dweller, shaped by visits to the botanical gardens, the zoo, and colonial expositions as well as images of distant lands seen in books and magazines. A counterpoint to his pictures of a tranquil and familiar Paris, these images of seductive and terrifying faraway places reflected the desires and fears of new modern world.


In the end, Rousseau's work found enthusiastic acceptance outside the establishment: he was championed by a younger generation of avant-garde artists and writers, including Alfred Jarry, Guillaume Apollinaire, Robert Delaunay, and Pablo Picasso, who admired the liberties he took, seeing in them new possibilities for the future.

You don't have to be talented to attend art therapy

Do remember that painting therapy sessions are for anyone and one need not know anything related to art to attend these sessions. Also, in painting therapy, various forms of art are used as a mode of communication and it's different for every individual. With this, the goal isn't to create a masterpiece but to feel comfortable with using art as a means to interact other than verbal and written forms of communications.

painting therapy is known to help those who have faced traumatic incidents. Through this, people suffering from anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse can also get a better understanding of themselves. Individuals, who lack social skills, may also benefit from this therapy. Notably, art therapy is often used along with other forms of therapy to treat individuals suffering from mental and emotional disorders.

not making them a painter; whereas this mode of expression can be turned to some oeuvres.

painting therapy is used with children, adolescents, adults, older adults, groups, families, veterans, and people with chronic health issues to assess and treat the following: anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional problems; substance abuse and addictions; family and relationship issues; abuse and domestic violence; social and emotional difficulties related to disability and illness; trauma and loss; physical, cognitive, and neurological problems; and psychosocial difficulties related to medical illness.

efficacy of painting therapy

 Therapy is capable of promoting self-expression, feelings, and emotions.

 It has an ability to facilitate positive perspectives on one’s life.

 It is capable of promoting a sense of personal independence, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency.

 Therapy has an ability to help a child work through difficult experiences.

 It allows a child to verbally and nonverbally communicate emotions that might otherwise be   abandoned or sealed from society.

 Therapy instills constructive techniques to self-manage.

 It can increase one’s awareness and orientation (i.e. persons, places, dates, and times)

 It is capable of facilitating and developing strategies for hand-eye coordination, fine and        gross   motor skills, and finger dexterity and speed.

It encourages the development of healthy coping strategies.

Therapy can facilitate insight, empathy, and acceptance of other’s life challenges.

It is capable of promoting problem-solving skills.

Art therapy is capable of exploring, managing, and providing insight into traumatic experiences.

A child receiving therapy is encouraged to develop interpersonal skills

Therapy empowers and gives a voice to those receiving therapy. It is capable of helping a child increase their attention-span, while decreasing any festering frustrations.


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